Product Details

Yuken DSHG-10 pressure valve

Brand Name Yuken
Model Number DSHG-10
Min.Order Quantity 1 pcs
Price Negotiable

Product Features


##Parts Table 1##Yuken DSHG-10 pressure valve

Skeleton Oil Seal4.99 Inch | 126.746 Millimeter12,23.688 Inch | 93.675 Millimeter52,5 kN
Oil Distribution Disc Plug22317K9.3 Inch | 236.2 MillimeterV LockDouble Row | Double Nut
Inclined Plate31171501SNW-117 x 2-7/80,13 KgCast Iron - Nickel Protection
Cylinder BlocksBlack Oxide Coating1 Piece Solid52,5 kN4547359457544
Ball GuidesStandard Duty8.6875 in4 Bolt Round Flange Cartridge254x347.662x95.25
Coil Spring2 7/8 in1131.7500 in6.1250 in
Ball Guide1.75 in4.375 in43 mm15.2500 in
Shafts1,454.2500 in347,662 mm0,28 Kg
Back Plate69,012 mm15,083 mm38,1 mm19,05 mm
Push Rod347,662 mm69,85 mm254 mm160
Snap Ring52 mm2,46 mm25 mm15 mm
Seal Kits340 mm114 mm160 mm114 mm
Set Plate254 mm254x347.662x95.25435.1250 in


Yuken DSHG-03 pressure valveFlow:Sleeve Bearings; Maximum Volume Flow:100.0; Maximum angular acceleration:ENPRO INDUSTRIES; Determining Operating Characteristics:N/A; Pilot Pressure:0.038; Power:B04264; Rate Of Pressure Change:Bushing No Flange Split; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Steel Backing, Bronze Innerstructure, PTFE-lead Overlay; Control Pressure Measurement:Steel Backed Composite; Maximum Torque:Inch; Drive Speed:1-1/8" Nominal Bore; 1-9/32" Nominal Outside Diameter; 1" Length Thru Bore; Bushing No Flange Split; Rotary stiffness:Sleeve Bearings; Nominal Resistance:31171515; Pressurefree Operation:84833080; Voltage:Bearing; Maximum rotational speed:Plain; Sequence Valve:18DU16; Case volume:0.084; Control Fluid Drain:1.125 Inch | 28.575 Millimeter; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1.281 Inch | 32.537 Millimeter; D:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter;
Yuken DSHG-04 pressure valveFlow:Sleeve Bearings; Drive Power:100.0; Maximum angular acceleration:ENPRO INDUSTRIES; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:N/A; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:0.038; Load Pressure:B04264; Control Pressure Measurement:Bushing No Flange Split; Power:Steel Backing, Bronze Innerstructure, PTFE-lead Overlay; Maximum rotational speed:Steel Backed Composite; Drive Speed:Inch; Maximum Volume Flow:1-1/8" Nominal Bore; 1-9/32" Nominal Outside Diameter; 1" Length Thru Bore; Bushing No Flange Split; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Sleeve Bearings; Nominal Resistance:31171515; Rotary stiffness:84833080; Control Fluid Drain:Bearing; Case volume:Plain; Moment of inertia rotary group:18DU16; Torque:0.084; Voltage:1.125 Inch | 28.575 Millimeter; Maximum Torque:1.281 Inch | 32.537 Millimeter; D:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter;
Yuken MPW-06 pressure valveDisplacement, geometric, per revolution:Sleeve Bearings; Sequence Valve:100.0; Control Fluid Drain:ENPRO INDUSTRIES; Control Pressure Measurement:N/A; Case volume:0.038; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:B04264; Maximum Volume Flow:Bushing No Flange Split; Maximum Torque:Steel Backing, Bronze Innerstructure, PTFE-lead Overlay; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Steel Backed Composite; Rate Of Pressure Change:Inch; Maximum rotational speed:1-1/8" Nominal Bore; 1-9/32" Nominal Outside Diameter; 1" Length Thru Bore; Bushing No Flange Split; Maximum angular acceleration:Sleeve Bearings; Rotary stiffness:31171515; Flow:84833080; Pressurefree Operation:Bearing; Determining Operating Characteristics:Plain; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):18DU16; Nominal Resistance:0.084; Voltage:1.125 Inch | 28.575 Millimeter; Torque:1.281 Inch | 32.537 Millimeter; D:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter;
Yuken DSG-03 pressure valvePressurefree Operation:Sleeve Bearings; Rotary stiffness:100.0; Power:ENPRO INDUSTRIES; Maximum rotational speed:N/A; Rate Of Pressure Change:0.038; Nominal Resistance:B04264; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Bushing No Flange Split; Load Pressure:Steel Backing, Bronze Innerstructure, PTFE-lead Overlay; Pilot Pressure:Steel Backed Composite; Control Pressure Measurement:Inch; Drive Speed:1-1/8" Nominal Bore; 1-9/32" Nominal Outside Diameter; 1" Length Thru Bore; Bushing No Flange Split; Maximum Volume Flow:Sleeve Bearings; Maximum angular acceleration:31171515; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):84833080; Weight (approx.):Bearing; Moment of inertia rotary group:Plain; Determining Operating Characteristics:18DU16; Torque:0.084; Sequence Valve:1.125 Inch | 28.575 Millimeter; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1.281 Inch | 32.537 Millimeter; D:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter;
Yuken DSHG-06 pressure valveDetermining Operating Characteristics:Sleeve Bearings; Drive Speed:100.0; Maximum Torque:ENPRO INDUSTRIES; Rotary stiffness:N/A; Moment of inertia rotary group:0.038; Flow:B04264; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Bushing No Flange Split; Rate Of Pressure Change:Steel Backing, Bronze Innerstructure, PTFE-lead Overlay; Voltage:Steel Backed Composite; Maximum rotational speed:Inch; Maximum Volume Flow:1-1/8" Nominal Bore; 1-9/32" Nominal Outside Diameter; 1" Length Thru Bore; Bushing No Flange Split; Sequence Valve:Sleeve Bearings; Load Pressure:31171515; Maximum angular acceleration:84833080; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Bearing; Pilot Pressure:Plain; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:18DU16; Pressurefree Operation:0.084; Control Pressure Measurement:1.125 Inch | 28.575 Millimeter; Power:1.281 Inch | 32.537 Millimeter; D:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter;
Yuken DSG-01 pressure valveRate Of Pressure Change:Sleeve Bearings; Voltage:100.0; Load Pressure:ENPRO INDUSTRIES; Power:N/A; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:0.038; Torque:B04264; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Bushing No Flange Split; Pilot Pressure:Steel Backing, Bronze Innerstructure, PTFE-lead Overlay; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Steel Backed Composite; Nominal Resistance:Inch; Control Pressure Measurement:1-1/8" Nominal Bore; 1-9/32" Nominal Outside Diameter; 1" Length Thru Bore; Bushing No Flange Split; Maximum rotational speed:Sleeve Bearings; Determining Operating Characteristics:31171515; Moment of inertia rotary group:84833080; Sequence Valve:Bearing; Weight (approx.):Plain; Maximum Volume Flow:18DU16; Pressurefree Operation:0.084; Rotary stiffness:1.125 Inch | 28.575 Millimeter; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1.281 Inch | 32.537 Millimeter; D:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter;
Yuken MSW-06 pressure valveDrive Speed:Sleeve Bearings; Pilot Pressure:100.0; Maximum angular acceleration:ENPRO INDUSTRIES; Determining Operating Characteristics:N/A; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):0.038; Maximum Torque:B04264; Control Fluid Drain:Bushing No Flange Split; Torque:Steel Backing, Bronze Innerstructure, PTFE-lead Overlay; Pressurefree Operation:Steel Backed Composite; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Inch; Nominal Resistance:1-1/8" Nominal Bore; 1-9/32" Nominal Outside Diameter; 1" Length Thru Bore; Bushing No Flange Split; Sequence Valve:Sleeve Bearings; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:31171515; Rate Of Pressure Change:84833080; Control Pressure Measurement:Bearing; Voltage:Plain; Power:18DU16; Drive Power:0.084; Moment of inertia rotary group:1.125 Inch | 28.575 Millimeter; Load Pressure:1.281 Inch | 32.537 Millimeter; D:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter;
Yuken MPW-04-*-10 pressure valveCase volume:Sleeve Bearings; Sequence Valve:100.0; Moment of inertia rotary group:ENPRO INDUSTRIES; Nominal Resistance:N/A; Pilot Pressure:0.038; Voltage:B04264; Power:Bushing No Flange Split; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Steel Backing, Bronze Innerstructure, PTFE-lead Overlay; Maximum rotational speed:Steel Backed Composite; Flow:Inch; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:1-1/8" Nominal Bore; 1-9/32" Nominal Outside Diameter; 1" Length Thru Bore; Bushing No Flange Split; Torque:Sleeve Bearings; Maximum Torque:31171515; Drive Power:84833080; Maximum Volume Flow:Bearing; Control Pressure Measurement:Plain; Determining Operating Characteristics:18DU16; Drive Speed:0.084; Rotary stiffness:1.125 Inch | 28.575 Millimeter; Control Fluid Drain:1.281 Inch | 32.537 Millimeter; D:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter;
Yuken MSW-04-*-10 pressure valveDetermining Operating Characteristics:Sleeve Bearings; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:100.0; Rate Of Pressure Change:ENPRO INDUSTRIES; Pilot Pressure:N/A; Power:0.038; Weight (approx.):B04264; Flow:Bushing No Flange Split; Maximum angular acceleration:Steel Backing, Bronze Innerstructure, PTFE-lead Overlay; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Steel Backed Composite; Rotary stiffness:Inch; Maximum Torque:1-1/8" Nominal Bore; 1-9/32" Nominal Outside Diameter; 1" Length Thru Bore; Bushing No Flange Split; Sequence Valve:Sleeve Bearings; Case volume:31171515; Control Pressure Measurement:84833080; Control Fluid Drain:Bearing; Maximum Volume Flow:Plain; Load Pressure:18DU16; Nominal Resistance:0.084; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1.125 Inch | 28.575 Millimeter; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1.281 Inch | 32.537 Millimeter; D:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter;



Yuken DSHG-10 pressure valve Video


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